North Woods Chihuahuas
Sales Contract For A Pet Quality Puppy
Date of deposit: _____/_____/_______, Deposit amount: $_______.00, Balance due: _______.00, Paid in full: _____/_____/______
Date of Sale: ______/______/__________
Sold to:________________________________________________________________________________________________
City: ____________________________________________ State: _________________________ Zip Code: ________________
Phone: (________)________________________ Email:___________________________________________________________
a: Male / Female Chihuahua puppy whelped on: ______/______/__________ for the sum of: $___________.00
Coat Type/Color: ____________________________________________________________ AKC Litter# ___________________
Sire: ______________________________________________________________ AKC Reg#: Supplied upon proof of spay/neuter
Dam: ______________________________________________________________ AKC Reg#: Supplied upon proof of spay/neuter
It is understood at the time of sale that the Buyer must take this puppy to their Veterinarian within 2 (two) business days
from the date of sale listed above. Failure to do so will immediately null/void the health guarantee. The Buyer also understands
that with the exception of medications for the prevention of Heartworm, the use of any oral/topical medications, collars,
sprays, shampoos, etc. (including, but not limited to: Bravecto, Seresto, Simparica, Revolution, Nexgard, Credelio, Frontline,
K9 Advantix, Hartz, etc.) or feeding a homemade/raw diet immediately voids the health guarantee portion of this contract.
This puppy/dog is guaranteed to be healthy, as near as the eye can. This puppy/dog has had age appropriate shots and wormings, which have been given by us(with the exception of Rabies, if applicable). We strongly urge you to use a Veterinarian that is highly skilled in the treatment of Chihuahuas. We are NOT responsible should an overload occur due to your Veterinarian doubting our records, which can make the puppy/dog very sick or even possibly cause death. Please hold off on giving a Rabies vaccine until 6 months of age and do not give it within one month of any other vaccinations. It is agreed that the Buyer will not allow this puppy/dog to have more than one vaccine per Veterinarian visit. We recommend that your puppy be vaccinated at 8-9, 12-13 and 16-17 weeks of age with a 5-way vaccine. We do not recommend the routine use of(unless there are active cases in your area) intranasal Bordetella(Kennel Cough), Leptospirosis, Lyme and Coronavirus vaccines as there is a high incidence of negative reactions to these vaccinations in Chihuahuas.
We strongly urge you to educate yourself on the dangers of over-vaccinating, multiple vaccinations, unnecessary vaccinations and also on the dangers of using monthly oral/topical medications, collars, sprays, shampoos, etc. We are NOT responsible for any vaccine overloads or any issues/reactions from any vaccines or Rx or over the counter oral/topical medications, collars, sprays, shampoos, etc.(including, but not limited to: Bravecto, Seresto, Simparica, Nexgard, Credelio, Frontline, K9 Advantix, Hartz, etc.) that you and/or your Veterinarian have chosen to do. Buyer agrees NOT to take this puppy to high risk areas(Pet Stores, Dog Parks, Training Classes, etc.), or put the puppy down on any random grass or floors(including the floor at your Vets)until the puppy vaccination schedule(3 shots) has been completed. Please be aware that even lugging your puppy around stores and letting strangers pat or hold your puppy can be a concern. If they have been around any animals at Shelters, Pet Stores, etc. that are sick, they could transmit it to your puppy.
If within 10 days from the date of sale listed above, a licensed Veterinarian states, in writing, that this puppy had a health problem that existed at the time of sale that rendered him/her unfit for Pet purposes, the Buyer must notify the Seller within 48 hours from the date of diagnosis(this does not include any prior disclosed medical conditions). It is understood that the Seller will not be responsible for any Vet bills if the Buyer decides to have this puppy treated. This puppy is not to be euthanized without the knowledge/written consent of the Seller and doing so will immediately void any refund or replacement. The ORIGINAL letter from the examining Veterinarian(complete with name, address & phone number required) documenting why the puppy is not acceptable and ALL original paperwork that was given with the puppy at the time of sale must accompany the puppy or there will be NO refund/replacement. The Seller reserves the right to have the puppy examined by her Veterinarian(s). Providing these conditions are met, the Seller will; A) replace the puppy with a puppy of the same sex/equal value if one is available, B) refund the original purchase price of the puppy, or C) The Buyer can choose to keep this puppy, with the understanding that ALL current and future upkeep and medical/Veterinarian expenses will be the sole responsibility of the Buyer and the Seller will refund half of the reasonable Veterinarian fees, not to exceed half of the original purchase price of the puppy.
NOTE: Seller DOES NOT warrant against Coccidia, Giardia, mites, Kennel Cough or the presence of worms, which may be found in any healthy puppy and can be contracted immediately upon leaving my home. Many puppies are prone to an outbreak of either Coccidia and/or Giardia under stressful circumstances. The symptoms can arise in a 12 hour period, and can not always be prevented by the Seller, because there are no signs until the puppy is stressed, and their immune system drops. In respect to a dead puppy, the Buyer must notify the Seller immediately and provide the Seller with a necropsy report(at the Buyers expense) from a qualified licensed Veterinarian and/or Specialist (original copy - phone number and address must be included) indicating that this puppy died as a direct result of a health problem that existed on or before the receipt of the puppy by the Buyer - a photo of the deceased puppy is required to be included in the necropsy report from the examining Veterinarian. If it is felt that this puppy died as a result of something that was done by your Veterinarian, I require that the necropsy be performed by a different licensed Veterinarian, at a different location. The Seller reserves the right to have the body of the puppy brought to her Vet for a second opinion. If it's determined that the puppy died as the result of Veterinarian error, an injury or improper care, no refund or replacement will be given.
The Buyer agrees to spay/neuter this animal within 3(three) months of sale if an adult or before 8(eight) months of age if a puppy.
We recommend that male puppies be neutered just as soon as your Veterinarian will do so(no later than 6 months of age) to prevent any desire for hormonal marking. The Buyer understands that this puppy/dog is not intended for show or breeding and is being sold as a
PET ONLY with Limited AKC Papers. It is understood that AKC Paperwork will be withheld until the Seller has received proof of spay/neuter by a licensed Veterinarian. The original copy, complete with full name, address & phone number of Veterinarian must be mailed to me - I will not accept an emailed, scanned or faxed copy as proof.
No other guarantees are given or implied with the exception of hereditary defects that develop before 1(one) year of age that will require continuous lifelong medical treatment to maintain life/will greatly shorten his/her life. It is understood that the Seller will be notified by phone and email immediately and the original written statement from a qualified licensed Veterinarian and/or Specialist, complete with phone number and address, must be mailed to the Seller within 48 hours from the date of diagnosis. The Seller reserves the right to have the puppy examined by her Veterinarian(s) and/or a Specialist. The Buyer can choose to keep this puppy, with the understanding that ALL current and future upkeep and medical/Veterinarian expenses will be the sole responsibility of the Buyer and the Seller will refund half of the reasonable Veterinarian fees, not to exceed half of the original purchase price of the puppy ~OR~ the Buyer can return the puppy to the Seller, along with ALL original and updated paperwork and the Seller will issue the Buyer a credit for the original purchase price of the puppy, to use towards another puppy, when one becomes available. It is understood that if the Buyer chooses a partial refund, the Seller has up to 1 year from the final diagnosis to refund any money. In respect to a dead puppy, the Buyer must notify the Seller immediately and provide the Seller with a necropsy report(at the Buyers expense) from a qualified licensed Veterinarian and/or Specialist(original copy - phone number and address must be included) indicating that this puppy died as a direct result of a hereditary defect - a photo of the deceased puppy is required to be included in the necropsy report from the examining Veterinarian. If it is felt that this puppy died as a result of something that was done by your Veterinarian, I require that the necropsy be performed by a different Veterinarian, at a different location. Seller reserves the right to have the body of the puppy brought to her Veterinarian for a second opinion. If it is determined that the puppy died as the result of Veterinarian error, an injury or improper care, no replacement will be given. It is understood that this animal is never to be euthanized without the knowledge/written consent of the Seller - doing so will immediately void any refund or replacement. It is understood that under no circumstances will a replacement or partial refund be given if there have been ANY breaches to this contract, including, but not limited to; this puppy was
not taken to a Veterinarian within 2(two) business days from the date of sale, if this animal has been used for breeding(intentionally or accidentally), if ALL original and updated paperwork(signed back to the Seller) is not given back to the Seller upon return/death of this puppy, if this puppy has been neglected, abused, has not been kept up on Veterinarian care, or if he/she has been euthanized without
the Sellers written consent, so make sure you keep ALL of these records.
Seller DOES NOT ever warrant against the following: Hypoglycemia, Calcium Drops, Molera, Luxating Patellas, Hips, Cherry Eye, Stenotic Nares, Hernias, Allergies, Skin Conditions, Cryptorchidism(retained testicles), injuries, neglect, issues due to this animal being overweight, issues/reactions due to any vaccinations and/or Rx or over the counter oral/topical medications, collars, sprays, shampoos, etc.(including, but not limited to: Bravecto, Seresto, Simparica, Nexgard, Credelio, K9 Advantix, Frontline, Hartz, etc.), issues due to this animal being fed a homemade/raw diet, microchips migrating, size/weight, ears, teeth/bite, personality or coat color/texture/length.
It is understood that the Seller is never responsible for any expenses incurred by the Buyer. It is also understood that ALL travel expenses TO AND FROM the Seller are the responsibility of the Buyer.
It is understood that if at any time during the life of this puppy/dog the Buyer can not, for any reason, keep him/her, this puppy/dog can be returned to the Seller. It is understood by the Buyer that this animal is NEVER to be re-sold or given away by the Buyer without the Sellers knowledge and that the Seller must approve of the new home(in writing). It is agreed by the Buyer that should this puppy/dog be returned to the Seller, ALL original and updated paperwork will be returned with the puppy/dog and signed back to the Seller. It is understood that if this puppy/dog is returned to the Seller, the Buyer has no rights to reclaim the puppy/dog at a later time or to any future animals from the Seller. There are NO refunds given for returned animals.
The Buyer guarantees that he/she will not ever use this animal for breeding or sell, lease or give this puppy/dog to a Broker, Pet Store, Puppy Mill, Back Yard Breeder, Animal Shelter, Rescue, Experimental Lab, Auction, Raffle, Contest Give-Away or any other similar
situation. If it is ever found by the Seller that the Buyer has done any of the above, the Buyer will incur a $2000.00 penalty fee for each offense found and will be obligated to pay ALL Court Costs & Attorney Fees incurred by the Seller.
The Buyer understands that the Seller wishes to stay in touch and that we enjoy getting occasional updates and pictures as the puppy ages. We also wish to know if any hereditary health issues(diagnosed by a licensed Veterinarian and/or Specialist) ever arise as this may affect our breeding program.
It is understood that this puppy/dog is to live primarily inside the home. The Buyer also agrees to provide this puppy/dog with regular veterinarian care, medical attention if needed, proper grooming/ bathing, socialization, water and a premium diet. The Buyer agrees to NEVER allow this animal to run loose/unattended and the use of "underground/wireless fencing" is not ever recommended. Please remember - this subjects them to running away, getting lost/stolen, possibly getting hit by a car and/or attacked by larger dogs/wild animals or birds of prey. If it is ever found that this puppy/dog is being neglected or abused, the Seller will immediately seize this puppy/dog at NO cost to the Seller.
This contract is between the original Buyer/Seller only and applies to the original puppy/dog only - it is non-transferable to another person or to another puppy. No amendments or attachments have been made or added to this contract. It is understood that any legal matters will be conducted in the State/ County that the Seller resides. All States are asked to accept this contract as legally binding and enforceable.
This puppy is eating: ____________________________________________________________________________________
The Buyer agrees that he/she will keep this animal on the same food we have been feeding him/her for at least 2 months as this is a major adjustment time for them and changing their food can cause diarrhea/add to any stress they may have. If you choose to change their food at a later date, please do so slowly. Our puppies are free-fed(they have food/water available at ALL times). Please make sure your Chihuahua puppy is eating and drinking enough - don't just put down a big bowl of each and assume he/she is. We also recommend that you use stainless steel, glass or ceramic bowls to feed/water your puppy/dog. Plastic dog bowls can cause skin irritation and discoloration of the pigment in the dogs face. The Buyer understands that the health guarantee portion of this contract will become null/void should he/she choose to feed this animal a homemade raw diet.
HYPOGLYCEMIA: Hypoglycemia is a condition in which the blood sugar level drops to an extremely low level. When levels of glucose in the blood drop rapidly, the dog's body and brain are deprived of essential nutrients. The results of hypoglycemia can be weakness, seizures, coma, and in severe cases, death. Because Chihuahuas are so small, they can be prone to hypoglycemia, especially when they are very young. Hypoglycemia is usually caused by stress, change of environment, illness, lack of food, or by using up stored energy without it being replenished. It is important to make sure that young puppies and very tiny Chihuahuas eat and rest regularly throughout the day. Symptoms to look for include vomiting, diarrhea, listlessness, pale to white gums, staggering gait, and refusal to eat. If the dog does not receive immediate treatment, it can progress into the more serious stages of this condition. Behavior such as inability to hold down food and diarrhea can become progressively worse to the point of seizures, complete unresponsiveness, and even death. Preventing Hypoglycemia can be done by using Nutri-cal or by adding a small amount of Karo Syrup to his/her drinking water on a daily basis. Treating Hypoglycemia can be a little more difficult. The first thing recommended is rubbing some clear Karo Syrup or Nutri-cal on the gums and tongue of your chihuahua. Hypoglycemia tends to fade off by the time a chihuahua reaches 16+ weeks of age. This information is not intended to replace the advice of your Veterinarian. If you suspect your this chihuahua has become Hypoglycemic, I always recommend seeking medical attention immediately. By signing below, the Buyer agrees that he/she has read and understands what to do in the event that this chihuahua develops Hypoglycemia. The Buyer also agrees to provide Veterinary care for this chihuahua if he/she shows any of the symptoms above. The Buyer agrees that he/she will NOT hold North Woods Chihuahuas responsible in the case that this chihuahua develops Hypoglycemia.
It is strongly recommended that you walk your Chihuahua puppy/adult with a harness instead of a collar. Excessive pulling, lunging and
running out and hitting the end of the lead can damage/collapse the trachea on a puppy/adult with a collar that is worn around the neck.
Additional comments: ___________________________________________________________________________________
It is understood that North Woods will be the prefix in the AKC Registered name of this puppy. We are proud of any titles accomplished by our dogs and their new owners and the Buyer agrees that any shared photos/titles of this puppy/dog can be used by the Seller on her FB or Website pages.
By signing below, the Buyer agrees that he/she has read, understands and agrees to ALL of the above terms/conditions, that he/she has received a copy of this animals Health Records, Veterinarian Health Certificate,
that he/she has been made aware of any known flaws that may require surgery and that he/she has personally viewed/accepted this puppy
Buyer:____________________________________________________________________ Dated: ______/______/________
Seller:____________________________________________________________________ Dated: ______/______/________
State of Maine License #F1871
~ End of Contract ~